The Global South Network (GSN) is a forum for research students, scholars, practitioners, and civil society organisations from different regions of the Global South including but not limited to Africa, Latin America, Asia, East Europe, and Middle East. UK based Academics and researchers (including postgraduate researchers) focusing on the issues of the Global South run GSN.

  • Founder Global South Network, Dr Nauman Reayat presenting on judicial leaders in uncertain times
  • Prof Faizan Mustafa, Vice Chancellor Chankya University, Patna, India presenting on Diversity Management in India on 6 March 2023 at JGR, Field Johnson Building, University of Leicester.
  • Founder Global South Network, Dr Nauman Reayat presenting on judicial leaders in uncertain times


To facilitate knowledge exchange among academics, practitioners, students, journalists, and policy-makers.

To publish an edited collections or special edition on interdisciplinary issues of the Global South.

To organise research activities on interdisciplinary issues of the Global South.

To apply for internal and external funding including but not limited to ESRC IAA event / networking fund, Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) networking scheme, and/or British Academy (BA)/ Leverhulme Small Research Grants to support and promote activities of the network.


To influence policy-making in the Global South by promoting international collaboration amongst and between civil society organisations (CSOs), higher education institutes, media, and policy-makers in the Global South.

To diversify research culture in universities in the Global North and strengthen research culture in the Global South by promoting collaboration amongst and between higher education institutes and non-academic groups in the Global South and the Global North.

To increase the recruitment of postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers from, or focusing on, interdisciplinary issues of the Global South.

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